Friday 16 March 2012

Good evening!!

Glasses box It's so exciting!! I've just booked my plane ticket from Lisbon to Vancouver (I'm not from Portugal)
I have no time to explain all the details but It's a reality (It's said like that?)

On the other hand today is a fantastic day because it's raining and tonight I'm going to go to a concert with my mom (I'll accompany her because is one of her favourite singers)

That's all!

Saturday 3 March 2012

Good afternoon!
I think it's afternoon no? It is 13:30.
I'm doing my homework, today is a sunny day, It's warm because we have high pressures in the atmosphere so the weather is good In spite of being raining yesterday (I don't think if this construction is correct, I have some difficults with "in spite of" and "despite" I know they're the same)

Friday 2 March 2012


Yesterday I thought about writte in English on the blog from now on because I want to practice my English, so, I hope to improve it soon and sorry for the mistakes! I understand the English but I have some problems with the written expression.